Enhanced cross infection protocols with air purifiers
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Enhanced cross infection protocols with air purifiers

Enhanced cross infection protocols with air purifiers
Harpenden Dentist - Wayside Dental Practice
24, Sep 2020

At Wayside Dental our philosophy has always been to offer first class dentistry in the safest possible environment to all our patients in Harpenden, St Albans or wherever they may have travelled from. With this philosophy in mind, we have installed Radic8 Viruskiller Clean Air Filters throughout the practice.

At Wayside, cross infection protocols are second nature to us. The surgeries are, and always have been,completely disinfected between patients with all surfaces being wiped down after each patient. We have a dedicated decontamination room and nurse to sterilise all reusable instruments and we have always used PPE. Because of Covid, we are now wearing enhanced PPE and also have fallow time between appointments if we have used instruments that generate dental aerosols. Additionally we are now using extra oral suction units and have invested in air purifiers to provide the cleanest possible air for our staff and patients. At Wayside Dental, we firmly believe we should do everything we can to offer peace of mind to everyone who walks through our doors.

After reviewing many air purification systems, we decided to go ahead with one of the world’s best, and widely used,“Viruskiller” from Radic8air purifier. The system is used in most of South Korea’s major hospitals since SARS and is installed in over 370,000 buildings, worldwide.

This Viruskiller provides real-time protection against pollutants, viruses and airborne allergens. It can eliminate 99.99% of bacteria, viruses and pollutants in one single air pass. In our surgeries the air is passed through the Radica8 air filters at least 6 times every hour. This means the air is cleaned at least every 10 minutes and it does this by passing it through a HEPA filter and then a UV light chamber.

The Radic8 Viruskiller eliminates the widest range of airborne pollutants including:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Pollen
  • Formaldehyde
  • Mould
  • Nitrogen Dioxide
  • Toluene
  • VOCs
  • Allergens
  • Exhaust Fumes
  • Spores
  • Particulate Matter

It is great for allergy sufferers but most importantly at the moment, the Radic8 Viruskillercleans the air of coronaviruses and the flu virus.

Our principal dentist, Robin, is taking part in a study on dental aerosols and is collating data from a particulate counter in his surgery which measures particles as small as 0.3um. The results have been astounding with all participants in the study reporting a huge reduction in particulates when the air purifier is used, especially when used in conjunction with high volume suction and extra oral suction units. With the air purifier on high, the air quality improves even during procedures which generate a lot of aerosols. And it produces air that is cleaner to breathe, so is much better for the clinicians who work all day in surgery.

Viruskiller is the World’s Highest Certified Clean Air Technology so we’re delighted to be able to tell our staff and patients that we continue to reduce risk and offer a safe, comfortable and relaxing dental environment.

To find out more about Radica8 technology follow this link-https://radic8.com. To book a consultation call us on 01582 712470, or send an email to practicemanager@waysidedental.co.uk.